Saturday, May 15, 2010

Project 10 Pan- Take 3

After doing a little too much hauling I decided that it was time to go back on Project 10 Pan, for the 3rd time! I started on 4/27/10 and it took me until now to get this post up. So I am already 2 and 1/2 weeks into this.

For those of you who might not know what Project 10 Pan is, it is where you have to use up 10 (or however many you want) makeup products before you purchase anymore. Basically it is a good way for you to use up some items in your collection before you add anymore to it.

I decided this time I would blog about it instead of doing videos, as that gets a little boring.

These are the items I am trying to use up:
  1. Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer- I actually finished this up about a week ago. I think it was like my 4th or 5th bottle of this stuff!
  2. Revlon Color Stay Pressed Powder in Light
  3. NXY eyeshadow in Sahara- This will be the first eyeshadow I will have ever finished! It is one of my favorites!
  4. Great Lash Clear Mascara- I use this to set my eyebrows.
  5. E.L.F. Moisture-Care Lip Color in Baby Lips.
  6. Prestige eyeliner pencil in Black- This is the 3rd time I have put this in my Project 10 Pan, hopefully this time I will actually finish it!
  7. Prestige eyebrow pencil in Blond- This thing is so tiny that I don't know if I am going to be able to sharpen it anymore! I may have to just call it done soon...not that there is very much left anyway.
  8. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel- This is the only non makeup item I will include in this project. I consider it a part of my daily makeup routine so I'm gonna go with it :o)
  9. ???
  10. ???
As for the last 2 things I really don't have anything picked out yet. I have a couple of mascara's that are about dead so I might count those. Or I may use up something else.

I'll probably update you on my progress when I have finished 5 things, hopefully that will be pretty soon!

Thanks for checking out this post. Hopefully more will be coming soon!

Love you guys! :o)
